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Hello. Welcome. I’m glad you’re here.

Unlock the human potential within you, your team, your organisation

  • Access confidence from the inside out
  • Build resilience
  • Embrace your own signature sprinkle of genius

Feel Familiar?

At Work
  • Leading teams through constant change and uncertainty is taking its toll for you
  • Feeling like an imposter in your role, wondering if you’ll be ‘found out’ at any time
  • Wanting to handle the tough conversations that come with leadership more expertly and comfortably
  • A desire to lead with courage, values and authenticity
At Home
  • A general yearning for things to be different; perpetually ‘not ok’ but can’t put your finger on why
  • Productive and busy – yet just on the right side of burnout
  • Exhausted and looking for more energy / or the next holiday to ‘top up your tank’
  • Yearning for a better balance in your life with a feeling of more freedom and peace

Using my ‘signature sprinkle’ of empathy, connection and supportive challenge, I help human beings to overcome these sorts of perennial problems

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What we do

We focus on building greater levels of confidence, capability and resilience


We start with truly listening to understand the journey you are on and why. Looking at your obstacles, barriers, opportunities and risks.

Let me help you close the gap


We then work together to design a bespoke set of creative and practical solutions to help meet your goals.

Some kind words from our clients

Keeley continues to be such a wonderful coach, eager to prioritize what I would like to discuss each time and providing a safe environment full of understanding and advice. I'm consistently surprised how well she weaves together our many discussions to provide coaching that is truly specific to me. Keeley's wisdom pushes me to see situations differently and consider ways to grow in the future, but the most valuable aspect is Keeley's kindness and ability to create a safe space. She helps you grow while being the first to remind you of the importance of having patience and forgiveness for yourself.

Mix of information, videos and simple visuals. Examples of the theory, great delivery, warm and friendly.

The pace and explanation was good. Keeley created a good space for conversation.

Very engaging presenter and very knowledgeable. Able to respond to all questions without hesitation.

Delivered in an engaging way and easy to trust/engage openly in the content.

The whole presentation was excellent, delivered really well and went into context with various points.

Keeley herself was great at delivering the content.

Keeley is an excellent coach and provides a safe space for senior leaders to be honest about their own and their Organisation's failings, and then is equally equipped at providing support and tools to take action’

Keeley has a really uncommon blend of creativity and pragmatism. She is so enthusiastic, humble and brave and is authentic enough to give an honest opinion, with tact, when a situation calls for it.

The work Keeley has done with our Organisation has transformed us and our culture more than any other supplier in the 38 years of my career!

Who I am

A 15 year dash on the corporate, global treadmills of Telecoms, Financial Services, IT and Regulation as a senior leader and learning & development professional. The ‘treadmill training’ got me fit for an 8 year ‘run in the outside world’ of consulting (alongside some pretty awesome clients).

This experience, combined with a heavy dose of my own life experiences along the way (which have taught me, in no uncertain terms, what the theory books just can’t nail) shapes the work I do each day. I love engaging at a human level with what I’m told is my ‘signature sprinkle’ of empathy, connection and supportive challenge.

My job isn’t just what I do, it’s who I am.

Certified Grief Educator
Certified Dare to Lead Facilitator

My Values

These values underpin, guide and shape the work that I do and who I am


I don’t think any of us are ever the ‘finished article’. We can all learn, grow, improve, stretch and strive for even more excellence, joy, fulfilment and peace (at work and at home). Life inside the comfort zone is familiar and safe; stretching ourselves towards our own edges takes us into our genius zone. It takes courage. It’s worth it.


For me this means a delicate balance of compassion and accountability. On the one hand kindness, understanding and empathy are core to my beliefs - and equally on the other hand - clear boundaries, challenge and doing the best we can really matters.


What unites us all is the human condition. Behind the titles, behind the labels, behind the masks we wear, we’re wired for connection. I believe a true sense of connection with ourselves helps us live true to who we really are and be authentic; I believe a true sense of connection with each other is at the core of unlocking potential, performance and fulfilment.

Humour & Fun

Life can be a pretty tough gig. Permission to be human. Laughing and finding little moment of joy each day is a refreshing antidote to the heavy, 24/7 busy world we’re in.

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